
I’m Victoria, and this site mostly has my sewing projects and science writing, with a sprinkling of older poetry & etc.

I’m a prairie kid, parent of two, celiac, and like lane swimming. I love to research. I did my undergrad in physics & English with a math minor. I’m now doing a Master’s in economics.

A note about the blog title: in math and physics, the prefix eigen means one's own. It comes from the german, but mostly I always liked thinking about a particle's eigenvalues, and thought I might apply the same thought to my excursions.

Jumping Cockroaches, Oh My!

Jumping Cockroaches, Oh My!


This lesson was full of all kinds of challenges. Jumping machines of all kinds at Saturday science.

Inspired by the leaproach, we set out on a mission of bio-inspired design. How to make a machine that jumps with legs?

So we knew the leaproach has spring-loaded knees. We looked at a potential model based simply on cardstock, as shown onscreen. Then things got more creative, with other types of legs introduced. Competition!

Neuroplasticity and the Adult Brain

Neuroplasticity and the Adult Brain

High-flying ladybugs are taking over everything

High-flying ladybugs are taking over everything